BCA Middle School


BCA’s educational program for 6th – 8th grade includes core curriculum, elective classes, and enrichment opportunities. Bethel trains and equips middle school students to know the Lord and to be prepared for His purposes through five primary characteristics.

Qualified Caring Teachers

The average number of years of teaching experience of the BCA middle school teachers is 15 years.  Some of the teachers have been with BCA for several years providing continuity and positive relationships with students and parents. They are committed to student growth and development by modeling a biblical lifestyle and mentoring and guiding students academically, socially, and spiritually.


Through the classes and activities provided, BCA creates a sense of community that carries on beyond graduation.  Many BCA alumni come back each spring to participate in the Alumni Chapel where they share their experiences with the current middle school students and reconnect with former classmates and teachers.  

Enrichment Opportunities

Students in 6th – 8th grade can apply for the Student Leadership Team or participate in drama dance, or competitive athletics. During middle school students take Life Sills, PE, Art, Music, and Computer.  They may also choose to compete in the annual Spelling Bee after which the winner goes on to compete at the county level providing them a change for college scholarships. 

Advanced Academics

Through its rigorous, accelerated academic curriculum, BCA equips students to go on to competitive high schools and then the very best colleges. BCA students have been accepted into special programs such as Eleanor Roosevelt HS Science & Technology Program, International Baccalaureate Programs, and a variety of private high schools.  BCA alumni have then attended Harvard, the Naval Academy, and West Point. The average BCA student scores in the top 25th percentile in nationally standardized achievement tests in English and Math with a grade equivalent score three or more grades higher than their current grade.

Spiritual Formation

Bible instruction and Chapel messages teacher students the Word of God and its relevance to the world in which they live.  The integration of faith in all subject areas promotes discussion and self-reflection at this critical time in their development. Opportunities for outreach help students to develop compassion for others.  By the time BCA students graduate from middle school, they have heard the gospel, experienced the love of Christ, and participated meaningful outreach.  
